3 intuitive audience engagement tools from Vevox - Sprintr

Sprintr first partnered with Vevox in 2019, choosing it as our go-to solution for running engaging and effective Q&A sessions and live polling.

The feature-rich platform has no shortage of easy-to-use functionality.

We’ve unearthed it’s most intuitive features and here’s what we’ve found.

Pinning an Image

In this example, users are presented with a world map and asked to select the continent they’re joining from. Think of this as the virtual version of the classic “show of hands who do we have here from Europe!”


Use polling during your sessions to gather valuable feedback from your attendees, data points to help with planning your next event or for a bit of fun as an icebreaker.

Are you a cat or a dog person?


Q&A is an easy way for your guests to submit questions to your presenter or to a panel for discussion. You can moderate and respond all within the feed.

Why do we recommend Vevox? 

Simple and smart

Vevox is intuitive and offers features that no other provider can. It is easy to deploy and the attention to detail to create a solution that is fit for purpose is second to none. 

Seamless integration

The PowerPoint integration makes Vevox an effective solution for keeping branding and theming in the same style as the presentation; so much so that attendees don’t realise it’s a third-party solution. 

Event enhancement

Vevox enhances events both in-person and virtual. Its audience engagement features can shape the event when used effectively.  

Vevox is one of many event technology solutions on the market. If you need help choosing the best one for you, talk to our expert team.

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